The year was 2022 and I didn’t know what path to take. After planning a major move to California, quitting my job (finally), ready to make my dreams come true, and just go for it, well let’s just say it didn’t happen. Everything started to fall apart. My spirit was crushed. After I cried my eyes out and vented a little, I went to Starbucks (the job I just left) every day for 2 weeks straight, sat in the café, and applied for jobs. I wanted to find something within my degree, you know, a big girl job. I didn’t want to go back to working in retail. I graduated from Kentucky State University with a degree in Broadcast Communications, so I wanted to find something in entertainment and media. I stumbled upon an internship for Social Media Strategist at AAMBC, Inc. and little did I know my life was about to change for the better.
The internship period was for 6 months so I had it in my head, well at least I can add this to my resume. I should know how to do social media, I mean I’ve been on social media basically my whole life, I have a podcast & YouTube channel I create for so this should be a piece of cake. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. After the interview with Tamika, I felt a connection and was inspired by what she has built and is currently building. From hearing how AAMBC, Inc. came to be, to the idea of what is now ‘Lit Diaries’, it was encouraging to say the least. I got a call back and thus my journey began.
Here I am a year and a half later and I have learned so much. From being a shy, timid kind of gal to taking the lead on assignments, partnering with other team members, and more, this position has given me the experience I need to jump start my career in multi-media and attack some personal goals as well. Not only can I say I am a social media strategist, but I can add social media manager, soon to be brand manager, project manager and I’ll just add etc. because who knows what will be added next. I’ve worked with clients, learned about the industry along the way, and have been challenged to step outside of my comfort zone and pushed to the limits. I’ve learned what it takes to plan huge events to small, intimate gatherings and seeing the ideas, plans, and hard work come to life. Even though we are virtual, the work environment and experience feels like a family. The team is so talented and working together makes everyone’s job smooth and easy to execute.
So proud of you Bri… continue to push your limits & find your purpose. There is no telling what God is about to do!